The main objective of the
Shipbuilding Industry of Russia, Results of 2013 and Forecast till 2020 Report is to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the current conditions of shipbuilding industry in Russia and to develop a long-term forecast for the industry’s development and the demand for the production of various shipbuilding segments. To accomplish it the following tasks need to be tackled:
- Description of Russian shipbuilding industry’s condition in the 1st quarter of 2014, its specificities and challenges it has to face
- Analysis of the influence of the crisis, experienced by the United Shipbuilding Corporation, on the overall situation in the industry
- Description of the main consumers of shipbuilding industry’s production in Russia (the Navy, sea and ocean companies, inland cargo shipping companies, fishing companies etc.)
- Description and development trends of the Navy in terms of the main types of combat surface and subsurface vessels; conditions and prospects of military-technical cooperation with foreign governments (with account of economic sanctions in response to the Crimea’s annexation)
- Description of the main segments of the civil fleet (maritime and inland cargo fleets, fishery and scientific research fleets, special purpose vessels and maritime structures), existing as of the 1st quarter of 2014
- Description of the main industry’s development tendencies – strategic planning, improvement of the large structure’s operational efficiency, stimulation of the industry, issues of shipbuilding technology development
- Characteristics of investment projects aimed at creation of new shipbuilding capacities and description of accompanying problems
- Forecast for shipbuilding industry’s development by segments of civil and navy shipbuilding till 2020 (cargo fleet, vessels and structures for development of the shelf, fishing fleet, scientific research and special purpose vessels, navy surface ships and boats, nuclear and diesel submarines) with account of alterations in their financing and shipbuilding orders portfolio as of the 1st quarter of 2014
- Compilation of INFOLine Shipbuilding Russia ТОР Rating of shipbuilding enterprises of Russia according to results of 2013, with account of shipbuilding orders, already executed and under execution, as of the 1st quarter of 2014, as well as fufinancial indicators of the enterprises’ operations
- Assessment of the current operational, HR and financial potential of shipbuilding enterprises of Russia, their executed and prospects orders (including the recently created the Crimean federal district), development prospects of enterprises
- Description of orders portfolios of shipbuilding enterprises based on the Database of Orders for Building Ships at Russian Shipyards
- Descriptions of changes taking place in the Russian shipbuilding industry, with account of the Crimea’s annexation and reflagging of the Ukrainian Navy in the Black Sea that joined the Russian Navy; considerations of possible international sanctions against Russia after the Crimea’s annexation
The Report contains the analysis of factors that influence the current and prospects development of the Russian shipbuilding. The factorial and quantitative forecast for the main segments of shipbuilding: ships and vessels of the Navy, cargo and support fleets (maritime and inland), fishing vessels, maritime vessels and structures for shelf fields development.
An important feature of the
Shipbuilding Industry of Russia, Results of 2013 and Forecast till 2020 Report is inclusion of the updated chapter with the ranking of shipbuilding enterprises and holdings of Russia, with account of the results of 2013. The ranking is done by financial indicators, tonnage and assessed value of vessels, completed and under construction. The ranking was updated according to financial results of the enterprises’ reporting for the full 2012 and 2013 – with regard to joint stock companies. The ranking by types of commissioned vessels was prepared with the help of the Database of
Orders of Shipbuilding Yards of Russia, including data for the total of 2013. The database was compiled by INFOLine IA and is regularly updated. According to this database, in 2013 the Russian shipyards built 262 ships and vessels with total tonnage of 612 ths t. In 2014-2015 it is planned to deliver more than 200 ships and vessels of all types with total tonnage of about 650 ths t. It means that utilization of capacities at Russian shipyards remains low – from 30% to 50%. This negatively affects their financial stability and operational efficiency. While the aggregate revenue of 30 largest enterprises is more than 190 bln rbl for 2013, the growth of this indicator came to about 13% vs. 2012. Meanwhile, the average net profit margin was 9.3%, while in 2012 this indicator was -2.9%.
Structurally, the
Shipbuilding Industry of Russia, Results of 2013 and Forecast till 2020 Report consists of two parts. Part 1 consists of 7 sections and contains the overall analysis of shipbuilding industry of Russia and development forecast for Russian shipbuilding during next years. This part of the Report was supplemented by a new section, describing history and conditions of the shipbuilding enterprises in the the Crimean federal district that came into existence in March 2014.
Part 2 consists of 4 sections with ratings of shipbuilding enterprises of Russia, compiled by several parameters. Also this part of the Report includes reference data for 50 Russian enterprises, operating in shipbuilding and ship repairing (including enterprises of the Crimean federal district) and for 9 design bureaus of the Russian Federation and major Russian shipping companies.
The reference data contain information about the owners of shipyards, the holding structures they may belong to, about types of vessels under construction or repair at these enterprises. The data on financial results of the enterprises’ operations and development prospects are also included.
Additionally we would like to offer you the
abridged version of the report, which includes only the analytical part (part 1, sections 1-7) without the shipbuilding enterprises’ description. In the meantime, you are welcome to order business reference data summaries on any of enterprises of your interest. The cost of each summery is 9000 roubles exclusive of VAT.
About Shipbuilding Industry of Russia, Results of 2013 and Forecast till 2020 Report
Part 1. Analysis and forecast for shipbuilding industry’s development in Russia
Section 1. General description of the shipbuilding industry of Russia
Structure and dynamics of the world shipbuilding market
Maine specific features of the Russian shipbuilding market
Challenges of the shipbuilding industry of Russia
Section 2. Conditions and prospects of the Russian civil fleet
Brief description of the major shipping companies
- Sovremenniy Kommercheskiy Flot (Sovkomflot), JSC
- Primorskoe Morskoe Parohodstvo, JSC
- Dalnevostochnoe Morskoe Parohodstvo (FESCO), JSC
Main groups of vessels
- Maritime fleet
- Inland waterway fleet
- Fishing fleet
- Development of the continental shelf
- Prospective expenditures on civil maritime equipment and shipbuilding development
Section 3. Conditions of the state-owned Navy and civil fleets
Key specific features and structure of the Russian Navy
- Submarine Navy fleet of Russia
- Surface Navy fleet of Russia
- Program of military-technical cooperation
Icebreaking fleet
- High latitude navigation
- Atomic icebreakers
- Diesel icebreakers
Scientific research vessels
Floating nuclear power plants
Section 4. Development tendencies of the shipbuilding industry in Russia
Problems that need to be solved for further development of the industry
Strategic planning
Legal groundwork for shipbuilding industry’s operations
Research and technology measures, optimization of the production potential
Implementation of leasing arrangements in shipbuilding
Section 5. Prospects for construction of new and modernization of operative shipbuilding enterprises
Projects under construction
- Zvezda shipbuilding complex (Primorie Territory)
- Zapadnaya shipyard (Kaliningrad)
- Modernization of operative shipbuilding enterprises
- Development of new small-size shipyards
Prospective projects
- Development of new shipbuilding capacities in polar regions
Postponed and suspended projects
- Novo-Admiralteyskie shipyards (St. Petersburg)
- Vostok-Raffles (Primorie Territory)
Section 6. Shipbuilding enterprises of the Crimean federal district
History of shipbuilding facilities of Ukraine
Shipbuilding facilities of Ukraine during the Soviet period
Shipbuilding facilities of Ukraine during the independence period (1991-2013)
Regional structure of shipbuilding industry of Ukraine
Shipbuilding facilities of the Crimean federal district the RF in 2014
Changes in status of the Ukrainian Navy and maritime frontier guard of Ukraine in the Crimea in 2014
Development prospects of the shipbuilding industry in the Crimean federal district of the RF
Section 7. Development forecast for shipbuilding industry
Analysis of factors influencing the industry’s conditions and development
Possible consequences of the act on governmental support of shipbuilding and navigation
Prospects of subsurface navy shipbuilding
- Nuclear-powered submarines
- Diesel-powered submarines
Prospects of surface Navy shipbuilding
- Plans to renovate Orlan project 1144 (heavy nuclear powered missiles-carrier cruiser)
- Purchase of Mistral helicopter carriers
- Building of fast attack crafts
Military-technical cooperation
- Relations with main buyers
- Actions of competitors in MTC sector
- Prospects for Russian shipbuilding regarding MTC
Building periods and capacities of Russian enterprises
Quality and capacities of Russian enterprises regarding foreign orders
Special-purpose vessels and constructions
Heavy-tonnage cargo shipbuilding
Prospects for individual segments of shipbuilding
Quantitave forecast for shipbuilding at Russian yards
Building of subsurface vessels
Building of surface navy vessels
Building of auxiliary navy fleet
Special-purpose vessels and structures
Maritime and inland cargo vessels
Support vessels
Fishing fleet
Scientific research fleet
Part 2. Description of the major shipbuilding enterprises of Russia
Section 8. Rating of shipbuilding enterprises of Russia
Rating by financial indicators
- Comparison by revenue
- Comparison by gross profit
- Comparison by net profit
Rating by characteristics of delivered vessels
Rating by characteristics of orders portfolio
Section 9. Largest Russian shipbuilding holdings and their enterprises
United Shipbuilding Corporation, JSC
Northern Centre of Shipbuilding and Repair, JSC
- Zvezdochka Shiprepairing Centre, JSC
- Nerpa Shiprepairing Plant
Western Centre of Shipbuilding, JSC
- Admiralteyskie Shipyards, JSC
- Severnaya Verf Shipbuilding Plant, JSC
- Pribaltiyskiy Shipbuilding Plant Yantar, JSC
- Baltiyiskiy Plant, JSC
- Vyborgskiy Shipbuilding Plant, JSC
- Sredne-Nevskiy Shipbuilding Plant, JSC
- Krasnoe Sormovo Plant, JSC
Far Eastern Centre of Shipbuilding and Shiprepairing, JSC
- Amurskiy Shipbuilding Plant, JSC
- Khabarovskiy Shipbuilding Plant, JSC
- Zvezda Dalnevostochniy Plant, JSC
Southern Centre of Shipbuilding and Shiprepairing, JSC
- Shipbuilding Plant named after K.Marx, JSC
- Kriushinskiy Shipbuilding-Shiprepairing Plant, JSC
- Novorossiyiskiy Shiprepairing Plant, JSC
- Tuapsinskiy Shiprepairing Plant, JSC
- Rosshelf, JSC (Kaspiyskaya Energiya Group, JSC)
- Astrakhanskoe Shipbuilding Production Association, JSC
- Lotos Shipbuilding Plant, JSC
Holdings that do not belong to United Shipbuilding Corporation JSC
- Universal Cargo Logistics Holding B.V.
- Okskaya shipyard, JSC
- Borremflot, JSC
- Pamyat Parizhskoy Kommuny Shipbuilding Plant, JSC
- Rechnaya Shipbuilding Yard, LLC
- Voznesenskaya REB Flota, JSC
AEON Corporation
- Nobel Brothers Shipyard, LLC
- Moscow Shipbuilding-Shiprepairing Plant, JSC
FPG Skorostnoy Flot, Central Company, JSC
- Volga Shipbuilding Plant, JSC
Marine design bureaus
Rubin Central Marine Design Bureau, JSC
Malachite St. Petersburg Marine Engineering Bureau, JSC
Iceberg Central Design Bureau, JSC
Krylovskiy Governmental Scientific Centre, FGUP
Nevskoe Design Bureau, JSC
Severnoe Design Bureau, JSC
Zelenodolskoe Design Bureau, JSC
Central Design Bureau for Hydrofoil Ships named after R.E. Alekseev, JSC
Almaz Marine Design Bureau, JSC
Section 10. Enterprises not affiliated with shipbuilding holdings
Vympel Shipbuilding Plant, JSC
Verhnekamskiy Shipbuilding Complex, LLC
Volgogradskiy Shipbuilding Plant, JSC
Vostochnaya Shipyard, JSC
Gorodetskiy Shiprepairing Plant, LLC
Zelenodolskiy Plant named after A. M. Gorky, JSC
Kostromskoy Shipbuilding-Shiprepairing Plant, JSC
Krasnoyarskaya Shipbuilding Yard, JSC
Leningradskiy Shipbuilding Plant Pella, JSC
Almaz Marine Plant
Almaz Shipbuilding Firm
Nevskiy Shipbuilding-Shiprepairing Plant, LLC
Nizhegorodskiy Teplohod, JSC
Sosnovskiy Shipbuilding Plant, JSC
Shiprepairing-Shipbuilding Corporation, JSC
Almaz Shipbuilding Firm, JSC
Krasnye Barrikady Shipbuilding Plant, JSC
Shipbuilding Plant named after October Revolution, JSC
Chkalovskaya Shipyard, JSC
Yaroslavskiy Shipbuilding Plant, JSC
Section 11. Enterprises of the Crimean federal district
Feodosiyiskaya Shipbuilding Company More, JSC
Sevastopolskiy Marine Plant, PJSC
Zaliv Shipbuilding Plant, PJSC
Primorets Shipbuilding Plant, PJSC
Marine Industrial Complex, PJSC
Craneship, LLC
Part 1. Analysis and forecast for shipbuilding development in Russia and Ukraine
Section 1. General description of the shipbuilding industry in Russia
- Capacity of shipbuilding industry in PRC in 2013
- Dynamics of world cargo fleet deadweight structure (mln t)
- Dynamics of changes in world cargo fleet deadweight in comparison with previous year (mln t)
- Dynamics of world cargo fleet deadweight structure (relative deadweight, %)
- Aggregate world orders portfolio by types of tonnage as of December 2013
- World cargo fleet by flags of registration as of 01 January 2014
- Prevailing sources of Russian companies’ fleets renewal by types of vessels
- Comparative analysis of shipbuilding’s financing at Russian and foreign shipyards
Section 2. Conditions and prospects of the Russian civil fleet
- Board of Directors’ structure of Sovkomflot JSC
- Fleet‘s structure of Sovkomflot JSC
- Fleet renewal program of Sovkomflot
- Balance of Sovkomflot JSC
- Profits and losses report of Sovkomflot JSC
- Consolidated balance of Sovkomflot JSC
- Consolidated profits and losses report of Sovkomflot JSC
- Board of Director’s structure of Primorskoe Morskoe Parohodstvo JSC
- Stockholders of Primorskoe Morskoe Parohodstvo JSC
- Ownership structure of Primorskoe Morskoe Parohodstvo JSC
- Balance of Primorskoe Morskoe Parohodstvo JSC
- Profits and losses report of Primorskoe Morskoe Parohodstvo JSC
- Board of Director’s structure of DVMP JSC
- Main stockholders of FESCO Group
- Ownership structure of DVMP JSC
- Fleet structure of FESCO cargo group
- Shipping structure of DVMP JSC by routes
- Accounting balance of DVMP JSC according to RAS
- Profits and losses report of DVMP JSC according to RAS
- Consolidated financial statement of DVMP JSC
- Consolidated profits and losses report of DVMP JSC
- Dynamics of inland water cargo turn-over in the RF
- Dynamics of maritime cargo turn-over in the RF
- Quantitative composition of the Russian maritime civil fleet
- Deliveries of largest maritime cargo ships for Russian shipowners
- Maritime supporting fleet of Russia
- Dynamics of transhipment volumes of foreign trade and coastal cargo in Russia
- Cargo volumes shipped by inland water transport in 2000 – 2012, mln t
- Inland waterways fleet of Russia
- Plans for renewal of inland waterways fleet with new vessels
- Demand for dredging vessels for maintaining the carrying capacity of inland waterways in the RF
- Maritime fishing fleet of Russia
- Plans for fishing fleet building for governmental needs
- Prospective indicators of hydrocarbons production at Russian shelf fields
- Portfolio of orders for offshore platforms, completed and in process of execution
- Structure of demand of Russian fuel-and-energy complex for shipbuilding industry’s production by functional and geographic segments
- Draft of financing for the governmental shipbuilding program
- Federal Target Program for development of civil marine in Russia
Section 3. Conditions of the state owned navy and civil fleets
- Main structure of the Russian subsurface navy fleet
- Main structure of the Russian surface navy fleet
- Portfolio of orders for auxiliary navy vessels
- Main portfolio of orders in the context of military-technical cooperation
- Fleet structure of Atomflot FGUP as of
- Overall demand for icebreaking fleet in Russia for the period of
- Baltiyiskiy plant’s portfolio of orders for icebreakers building
- Renewal program for the maritime research fleet of the RF
- Portfolio of orders of Russian shipbuilding enterprises for research vessels
Section 4. Development tendencies of the Russian shipbuilding industry
- Strategic planning documents of the shipbuilding industry in Russia
- Supportive measure for shipbuilding in Russia and foreign countries
Section 6. Shipbuilding enterprises of the Crimean federal district
- Naval structure of the Ukrainian Navy as of 26 March 2014
Section 7. Development forecast for shipbuilding industry
- Main factors influencing the current conditions and development prospects of the shipbuilding industry
- Measures for stimulation of special economic port areas related to shipbuilding
- Development prospects of the Russian submarine fleet
- Nuclear-powered submarines building
- Diesel-powered submarines building
- Surface vessels of Russian Navy (motor boats), being built or already contacted
- Nuclear-powered cruiser of Russian Navy, in-commission and under repair
- Nuclear-powered cruiser of project 1144, the influence of its return to active duty in the Navy
- The French helicopter carrier’s purchase and its influence on the shipbuilding industry of Russia
- Fast attack crafts, commissioned or under construction in Russia
- Segmentation of MTC by customers’ regions and ship types
- Comparison of specifications of diesel powered submarines of project 636, Skorpene, type 214 and Amur.
- Influence of production factors on Russian shipbuilding industry
- Negative developments when executing foreign shipbuilding orders
- Factors influencing building of large icebreakers
- Factors influencing construction of marine stationary platforms for production of hydrocarbons at the continental shelf
- Factors influencing the prospect of floating nuclear power plants construction
- Dynamics of deliveries of tankers and dry cargo carriers of Russian manufacture and on Russian orders, by their deadweight
- Factors of satisfying the demand for large cargo ships in connection with exploitation of natural resources in the Arctic
- Factors influencing the prospects of building new fishing vessels
- Factors influencing the prospects of renewal for inland waterways cargo and support fleets
- Factors influencing the prospect of renewal for maritime cargo and support fleets
- Plans for new nuclear-powered submarines building for the RF Navy
- Plans for new diesel-powered submarines building for the RF Navy
- Predictable number of executed orders for submarine building till 2020
- Tonnage of ships and vessels and fast attack crafts by their classes
- Predictable number of executed orders for surface ships building
- Predictable number of executed orders for support vessels ships for the Navy
- Forecast for number of special nuclear and diesel-powered icebreakers put into operation
- Forecast for commissioning of maritime engineering facilities and platforms
- Forecast for commissioning of floating nuclear heat and power plants
- Forecast for the number of executed contracts for building maritime, inland and mixed type cargo vessels
- Predictable number of executed orders for building civil support fleet vessels
- Fishing vessels building and modernization
- Forecast for the number of commissioned fishing vessels built in Russia
- Forecast for fulfilment of academic vessels building plans
Part 2. Description of the major shipbuilding enterprises of Russia
Section 8. Rating of Russian shipbuilding enterprises
- Rating of 30 largest enterprises by their revenue
- Rating of shipbuilding holdings of Russia by their revenue
- Rating of 30 largest enterprises by their gross profit
- Rating of shipbuilding holdings of Russia by their gross profit
- Rating of 30 largest enterprises by their net profit
- Rating of shipbuilding holdings of Russia by their net profit
- Rating of 5 largest holdings by aggregate assessed value of commissioned vessels
- Rating of 5 largest holdings by aggregate tonnage of commissioned vessels
- Rating of 30 largest enterprises aggregate assessed value of commissioned vessels
- Rating of 30 largest enterprises aggregate tonnage of commissioned vessels
- Navy-civil orders ratio in Russian shipbuilding in 2011-2012
- Distribution of vessels being built between major shipbuilding holdings of Russia
- Rating of 30 largest enterprises by aggregate assessed value and tonnage of orders under execution
Section 9. Major Russian shipbuilding holdings and their enterprises
Section 10. Enterprises not affiliated with shipbuilding holdings
- Board of Director’s structure
- Ownership structure
- List of the Board’s members
- Ownership structure
- Portfolio of orders
- Accounting balance
- Profits and losses report
Section 11. Shipbuilding enterprises of the Crimean federal district
- Stockholders structure
- Portfolio of orders
- Accounting balance
- Profits and losses report
Part 1. Analysis and forecast for shipbuilding industry’s development in Russia
Section 1. General description of the Russian shipbuilding industry
- Dynamics of world cargo fleet’s volume (over 300 GT) in 2000-2012, as of the year’ beginning
- Average age of world cargo fleet as of the year’ beginning
- Age structure of world cargo fleet by deadweight
- Serial shipbuilding of VBTH group
- Serial shipbuilding by Eniseyskoe Rechnoe Parohodstvo Group
Section 2. Conditions and prospects of the Russian civil fleet
- Location of shipbuilding enterprises by federal districts of the RF
- Number and types of shipbuilding enterprises of the RF (according to the Ministry of Industry and Commerce)
- Structure of Sovkomflot Group
- Structure of Russian maritime fleet by flags and shipowners
- Cargo shipping under Russian and foreign flags
- Volume of cargo shipping through maritime ports of Russia in 2005-2013
- Cargo transhipment and share of Russian foreign trade cargo transhipment at maritime ports of the RF
- Dynamics of cargo transhipment volumes at port of Russia, Ukraine and Baltic countries
- Cargo traffic structure of inland waterways
- Planned indicators of the Governmental Program of the RF for Development of Shipbuilding during 2013 - 2030 and the Period till 2019
- Forecast for production of civil marine engineering facilities in the RF
Section 3. Conditions of the state-owned navy and civil maritime fleets
- Academician Treshnikov research vessel before setting out on a voyage
- Conceptual design of a floating nuclear power plant for operation in polar regions
Section 4. Development tendencies of the shipbuilding industry in Russia (no graphs)
Section 5. Prospects for construction of new and modernization of operative shipbuilding enterprises
- Location map of Novoadmiralteyskaya shipyard (Kronshtadt)
- General view drawing of Vostok Raffles shipyard (Primorie Territory)
- General view drawing of Zvezda Shipbuilding Complex (Primorie Territory)
- Organization chart of Zvezda investors consortium
- Chart of Zapadnaya shipyard (Kaliningrad region)
- Location map of prospective Rosneft shipyard in Kola Bay
Section 6. Shipbuilding enterprises of the Crimean federal district
- Location map of shipbuilding enterprises in the Crimea (Russian Federation) and in Ukraine
Section 7. Development forecast for shipbuilding industry
- Deadweight of the main groups of Russian cargo vessels
- Major shipbuilding enterprises of Russia by deadweight of Russian cargo vessels
- Largest dry cargo carriers ordering customers
- Largest tankers ordering customers
- Conceptual design for a floating LNG production plant in Prelud Bay
- Predictable number of executed orders for building maritime, river and mixed type cargo vessels
- Predictable number of executed orders for building civil support fleet vessels
- Predictable number of executed orders for building fishing fleet vessels
Part 2. Description of the major shipbuilding enterprises of Russia
Section 8. Rating of shipbuilding enterprises of Russia
- Civil-to-navy vessels built in 2012 aggregate value ratio
- Civil-to-navy vessels built in 2013 aggregate value ratio
- Civil-to-navy vessels built in 2012 aggregate tonnage ratio
- Civil-to-navy vessels built in 2013 aggregate tonnage ratio
- Civil-to-navy vessels built in 2012 number ratio
- Civil-to-navy vessels built in 2013 number ratio
Section 9. Largest Russian shipbuilding holdings and their enterprises
Section 10. Enterprises not affiliated with shipbuilding holdings
- Company’s structure
- Dynamics of revenue
- Financial efficiency indicators
- Dynamics of inventories and revenue
- Dynamics of gross profitability
- Dynamics of net profitability
- Dynamics of debts
Section 11. Enterprises of the Crimean federal district
- Structure of Zaliv Group
- Dynamics of Zaliv’s production