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Главная » Готовые исследования » "Food and beverage production in Russia. Results of 2018 and Trends for 2019. Forecast up to 2021"
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"Food and beverage production in Russia. Results of 2018 and Trends for 2019. Forecast up to 2021"

  • Release date: 30.06.2019
  • Number page: 163
  • Lang. report: English
  • Price:150000 руб   2043 USD   1717 EUR

Project concept. Conducting daily monitoring and studying in detail the Russian economy and its certain segments for over 20 years, INFOLine experts arrived at the idea of creating a unique product - an integrated line of studies of key economic sectors in Russia.

Analytical materials include the dynamics of industry development over the past 7 years and development prospects for the next three years in the following areas:

 "Construction Industry of Russia"

"Transport Industry of Russia"

"Agroindustrial Complex of Russia"

"Food Industry and Food Market of Russia"

"Fuel and Energy Complex of Russia"

"Food Retail and Consumer Market of Russia"

"Non-Food Retail and the Consumer Market of Russia".  

The studies have a common structure, and this makes it possible not only to obtain detailed information about the state and prospects of an industry, but also to analyze and compare development indicators of industries among themselves.

PLEASE NOTE! The studies are issued in an innovative format, as a convenient electronic presentation. This is the optimal format, which, in addition to analytical texts, includes numerous graphic materials (charts and graphs), as well as hyperlinks to essential documents and corporate websites.

Relevance of the research “Production of food and beverages in Russia: Highlights of 2018. Trends of 2019”:

Food production in Russia faces a period of fast-paced growth being one of the drivers of industrial manufacture throughout the last 5 years. Due to the food embargo imposed in 2014, Russia has rebuilt its imports and keenly focused on developing its food and processing industry.

The challenging macroeconomic situation weakened the ruble: capitalizing on this, domestic food manufacturers jump-started to fill vacant internal market niches and expand across the border, which spurred the growth of the whole industry. However, the weak ruble took its toll on the price of foreign equipment and raw materials, which skyrocketed for Russian producers and heavily affected the final costs of goods for Russian consumers.

In follow-up of 2018, the food production grew by 4.9% in like-for-like prices, and beverage production – by 2.6%. The food manufacture growth was driven by the increasing sources of raw materials, the put-in-place food embargo, and more competitive prices for domestic products in the national and global markets. The upward trend for the beverage market is linked with the growing brewing, mineral/drinking water and soft drink manufacture spurred by the hot summer and the World Cup hosted by the country. In addition, 2.6% recovery in the retail turnover in Russia had a positive impact on the industry.

To obtain in-depth insights into the state of affairs in the industry and understand how and in which areas it will develop further, we have conducted comprehensive research of the food industry and the food market.

With the help of the offered product, you will be able to determine the position of your company regarding the dynamics of the industry and outline possible ways of business development.

Purposes of the research:

insights into the state of affairs in the food industry in general and by segments (meat, fish, fat and oil, milk, flour, confectionery, grain, pasta, sugar, beverages, tea and coffee, tobacco);

review of food manufacture, sales and consumption trends, industry’s development trends by describing flagship events;

analysis of changes to the government regulation of the industry (adoption and entry into force of key regulatory documents);

identification and description of the biggest M&A;

identification and description of the major investment projects across the industry segments;

review of exports/imports and global activities of the industry’s players;

analysis of new products launched on the Russian market;

insights into the current trends in the food market;

ranking big-league food companies in Russia by financial performance;

analysis of business performance by industry players.

The research findings can be used in: marketing and strategic planning; big-picture analysis of the food industry and its sectors, as well as benchmarking and competitor analysis.

Research timeline: diverse indicators of the industry over time since 2011, general statistics for the country and regional statistics as of Y2018 (volume production and sales of food by category), development prospects in 2019 (macroeconomic indicators, rollout of individual investment projects). 

Research schedule: Q1-Q2 2019

Research advantages. In addition to the in-depth analysis of the industry’s development, the research features:

a number of original ratings by INFOLine experts;

insights into upgrade and construction projects of food industry enterprises;

insights into the food market trends;insights, market survey of big-league FMCG suppliers.

Research objectives and structure by sections:

Part I. Core indicators of the industry: demonstration and analysis of core indicators in the manufacture of food, beverages and tobacco, core indicators of food, beverages and tobacco sales, financial position of households, manufacturer lending, food import/export volumes.

Part II. Landmark events in the industry: government support of the industry, legislative changes, M&A, resignations and appointments, international activities (food market development, food embargo, import substitution and export potential).

Part III. Condition of individual sectors: in-depth description of the state of affairs across all areas of the industry (processing of meat, milk, fish and seafood, production of fat and oil, sugar, confectionery market, bread and bakery, market of beverages, coffee, tea, tobacco), analysis of cross-border trade.

Part IV. Rating of big-league Russia’s food and beverage manufacturers in follow-up of 2018

Part I. Industry Performance Indicators

1.1. GDP Dynamics and Breakdown

1.2. Main Indicators of Food and Beverage Production in Russia

1.3 Main Indicators of Trade in Food, Beverages and Tobacco

1.4. Household Financial Status

1.5. International Business: Export

1.6. International Business: Import

1.7. Lending to Food and Processing Industries

1.8. Analysis of Investment Activity in Food Industry 

Part II. Industry Milestones

2.1. Government Regulation

2.2. Government Support for Industry

2.3. Largest M&A Deals

2.4. Resignations and Appointments

Part III. Situation in Specific Branches

3.1. Meat and Meat Products

3.2. Milk Products

3.3. Fish and Seafood

3.4. Vegetable Oils and Fats

3.5. Sugar Beet porcessing

3.6. Grain Products

3.7. Bakery and Flour Confectionery

3.8. Chocolate and Sugar Confectionery

3.9. Canned vegetables and fruits

3.10. Beverages

3.11. Coffee and Tea

3.12. Tobacco and Tobacco Products

Part IV. Market Survey of Leading FMCG Chain Suppliers

4.1. Sales Results of Leading FMCG Suppliers in 2016-2018 and Forecast for 2019

4.2. Factors Impeding Suppliers Development and Criteria of Successful Retail Chain Operation

4.3. Government Regulation

4.4. Share of Leading Suppliers Sales through FMCG Chains

4.5. Interaction of Leading Suppliers with FMCG chains

4.6. Promo Sales and Special Range for FMCG chains in 2018 and Forecast for 2019

4.7. Online sales of Leading Suppliers in 2017-2018 and Forecast for 2021

4.8. Exports in Sales Structure in 2018 and Forecast for 2019

List of Sources

List of Abbreviations

Agreement on Information Use

About the Author – INFOLine Information and Analytical Agency

Part I. Industry Performance Indicators

Dynamics of Key Economic Indicators of Russia in 2011-2018,%

Russian GDP Structure Broken by Branches of Economy in 2011-2018,%

Food and Beverage Production

Per Capita Consumption of Major Food Groups of The Population, kg/yea

Dynamics of Retail Turnover by Segments

Structure of Food Retail Market Turnover, %

Deposits and Loans to Individuals, RUB trln

Dynamics of Wages and Incomes of Population, %

Commodity Structure of Food and Beverage Exports in Monetary Terms in 2017-2018

Country Structure of Food and Beverage Exports in Monetary Terms in 2017-2018

Commodity Structure of Food and Beverage Imports in Monetary Terms in 2017-2018

Country Structure of Food and Beverage Imports in Monetary Terms in 2017-2018

Volume of Bank Loan Granting to Food And Beverage Manufacturers

Indebtedness of Food and Beverage Manufacturers on Bank Loans

Major Investment Projects in the Food Branch in 2019-2022

Rating of Companies in Terms of Investment in the Food Industry of the Russian Federation in 2018

Part III. Situation in Specific Branches

Output of Sausages

Output of Canned Meat (Meat-Containing Products)

Output of Ready-to-Eat Meat (Meat-Containing) Products

Output of Semi-Finished Meat Products (Chilled and Frozen)

Meat and Offal Export from the Russian Federation

Main Types of Exported Products In Physical Terms in 2018

Rating of Meat Consumer Countries in Monetary Terms in 2017-2018

Meat and Offal Import to the Russian Federation

Main Types of Imported Products in 2018

Rating of Meat Importing Countries in Monetary Terms in 2017-2018

Processed Liquid Milk Production

Rating of Milk Processors in the Russian Federation, thousand tons

Output of Fermented Milk Products

Output of Milk Products

Export of Milk And Milk Products from the Russian Federation

Main Types of Exported Products in Physical Terms in 2018

Rating of Milk Product Consumer Countries in Monetary Terms in 2017-2018

Import of Milk and Milk Products to the Russian Federation

Main Types of Imported Products in 2018

Rating of Milk Product Importing Countries in Monetary Terms in 2017-2018

Dynamics of Aquatic Biological Resource Harvesting

Structure of Aquatic Biological Resource Harvesting in 2018

Production of Processed and Canned Fish and Fish Products

Production of Canned Fish And Preserves, mln conv. cans

Export of Fish and Seafood

Main Types of Exported Products in Physical Terms in 2018

Rating of Seafood and Fish Product Consumer Countries in 2017-2018*

Import of Fish, Fish Products and Seafood

Main Types of Imported Products in Physical Terms in 2018

Rating of Seafood and Fish Products Importing Countries in 2017-2018

Vegetable Oil Production

Regional Structure of Sunflower Oil Production in 2018

Regional Structure of Soybean Oil Production in 2018

Production of Margarine, Spreads and Mayonnaise

Rating of Sunflower Processors in the Russian Federation

Export of Oils and Fats from the Russian Federation

Main Types of Exported Products in 2018

Rating of Countries-Consumers of Oils and Fats in Monetary Terms in 2017-2018

Import of Oils to the Russian Federation

Main Types of Imported Products in 2018

Rating of Oils and Fats Importing Countries in Monetary Terms in 2017-2018

Sugar Production

Regional Structure of Sugar Production In Physical Terms in 2018

Rating of Beet Sugar Producers

Flour Production

Production of Cereals and Starch Products

Export of Grain mill products from the Russian Federation

Main Types of Exported Products in 2018

Rating of Flour and Cereals Consumer Countries in Monetary Terms in 2017-2018

Import of Milling Products to the Russian Federation

Main Types of Imported Products in 2018

Rating of Cereals And Flour Importing Countries in Monetary Terms in 2017-2018

Output of Perishable Bakery Products

Pasta Output

Output of Flour Confectionery and Cookies

Regional Structure of Flour Confectionery Output in 2018, thousand tons

Export of Bread and Flour Confectionery Products from the Russian Federation

Main Types of Exported Products in 2018

Rating of Bread Consumer Countries in Monetary Terms in 2017-2018

Import of Bread and Flour Confectionery Products to the Russian Federation

Main Types of Imported Products in 2018

Rating of Bread Supplying Countries in Monetary Terms in 2017-2018

Output of Cocoa, Chocolate and Sugar Confectionery

Regional Structure of Sugar Confectionery Output in 2018, thousand tons

Export of Chocolate and Sugar Confectionery from the Russian Federation

Main Types of Exported Products in Physical Terms in 2018

Rating of Confectionery Consumer Countries in Monetary Terms in 2017-2018

Import of Confectionery Products to the Russian Federation

Main Types of Imported Products in Physical Terms 2018

Rating of countries-suppliers in monetary terms in 2017-2018

Potato Processing

Output of Canned Vegetables

Fruit and Berry Processing

Output of Frozen Vegetables, Fruits and Berries

Export of Vegetable, Fruit and Nut Processing Products from the Russian Federation

Main Types of Exported Products In Physical Terms in 2018

Rating of Countries – Consumers of Vegetable and Fruit Processing Products in 2017-2018

Import of Vegetable, Fruit and Nut Processing Products to the Russian Federation

Main Types of Imported Products in Physical Terms in 2018

Rating of countries-suppliers of products of processing vegetables and fruits in 2017-2018

Vodka Output

Production and Sale of Wine and Champagne

Beer Output

Output of Drinking And Mineral Water, Juices

Export of Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Beverages

Main Types of Exported Products In Physical Terms in 2018

Rating of Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Beverage Consumers Countries in 2017-2018

Import of Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Beverages to the Russian Federation

Main Types of Imported Products in Physical Terms in 2018

Rating of Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Beverage Supplying Countries in 2017-2018

Tea Output

Coffee Output

Export of Coffee and Tea from the Russian Federation

Rating of Coffee Consumer Countries in 2017-2018

Rating of Tea Consumer Countries in 2017-2018

Import of Coffee and Tea to the Russian Federation

Rating of Coffee Supplying Countries in 2017-2018

Rating of Tea Supplying Countries in 2017-2018

Cigarette Output

Average Prices for Filtered cigarette

Export of Tobacco and Tobacco Products from the Russian Federation

Main Types of Exported Products in Physical Terms

Rating of Countries – Consumers of Tobacco and Tobacco Products in 2017-2018

Import of Tobacco and Tobacco Products to the Russian Federation

Main Types of Imported Products in Physical Terms in 2018

Rating of Countries Supplying Tobacco And Tobacco Products in 2017-2018

Part IV. Market Survey of Leading FMCG Chain Suppliers

Sales Dynamics of Leading FMCG Suppliers in 2016-2018 and Forecast for 2019,%

Plans of FMCG Suppliers on Change in Saes in 2019, %

Factors Most Severely Impending Company Development in 2017-2018, %

Most Significant Criteria of Successful FMCG Suppliers and Chains Operation

How did amendments to the law on trade (No. 381-FZ) affect your company’s activity,%

How did the Platon system introduction affect the your company’s activity,%

How did the transition to the Mercury automated system affect your company’s activity,%

How did the USAIS system implementation affect your company’s activity,%

Share of Leading Suppliers Sales through FMCG Chains in 2016-2018 and Forecast for 2019

Plans to Change the Range of FMCG Chains Share in Total Sales in 2019, %

Retail Chains Leading Suppliers Worked with in 2017-2018, %

Number of Retail Chains Suppliers Work with 2019, %

Share of Promo Sales of Products at Discounts in 2018 and Forecast for 2019, %

FMCG Promo Sales Dynamics in 2018, Forecast for 2019, %

Special Range for FMCG Retail Chains in 2018, Forecast for 2019, %

Share of Largest Suppliers Online Sales in 2018, Forecast for 2021,%

Growth in Online Product Sales in 2018, Forecast for 2019,%

Plans to Change the Range of Online Sales Share in 2021,%

Export Share in Sales Structure in 2018, Forecast for 2019, %

Export Geography in 2018, %

Plans to change the share of exports in total sales in 2019, %

Part V. Rating of big-league Russia’s food and beverage manufacturers

Rating of big-league Russia’s food and beverage manufacturers in follow-up of 2018

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