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Research "Russia’s economy – development outlook for 7 leading industries in 2017-2019"

  • Release date: 30.09.2017
  • Number page: 642
  • Lang. report: English
  • Price:350000 руб   4766 USD   4007 EUR

Purposes of the research:

·       review of the Russian industry’s indicators;

·       ranking of Russian companies;

·       review of the industry’s development trends by describing flagship events;

·       development outlook for the Russian industry;

·       scenario outlook for the development of the Russian industries;

·       insights into the business of the largest companies in the Russian industry;

·       review and analysis of the government regulation.

Research timeline: dynamics since 2011, outcomes of 2016. Outlook for 2017-2019.
Research schedule: Q2 2017. 

Research objectives and structure by sections:
Part I. Key indicators of the Russian industries:

Russia’s farming industry: core indicators of the food industry, information on the lending of producers, the volume of food exports and imports.

Russia’s construction industry: insights into the volume of construction work, construction volumes of new homes and non-residential buildings, mortgage indicators, lending of construction companies, and their business activity.

Russia’s fuel & energy industry: visual presentation of volumes and growth rates across the fuel and energy sectors, lending and investment trends in the fuel and energy industry, volumes and export prices, as well as forward-looking budget revenues from oil and gas.

Food and non-food retail in Russia: macroeconomic indicators of retail trade – dynamics of turnover and money supply. Structure of retail turnover by types of goods and organizations. Regional structure of retail turnover. Inflation in the food and market. Personal incomes and spending. Monetary policy. Consumer expectations and confidence.

Production of food and beverages in Russia: key indicators of agriculture and food production, data on lending of producers, the volume of food exports and imports.

Russia’s transport industry: analysis of freight transportation volumes, Russia’s freight and passenger turnover, trends of lending for transport organizations; the dynamics of fee indexation in freight transportation.

Part II. Landmark events across the Russian industries: monitoring changes to the laws applicable to the industries, government support measures, core events, key resignations and appointments, M&A, international activities.

Part III. Key indicators across the Russian industries:

detailed description of the state of affairs in all areas of the industry (processing of meat, milk, fish and seafood, production of fat and oil products, sugar, confectionery market, bread and bakery, market of drinks), in-progress projects of companies, specific investment plans of companies, in particular, the launch of enterprise construction;

description of investing activity in the farming industry and food industry, ratings of the largest projects, findings of the market survey of the largest farms;

description of the state of affairs across all areas of the industry (housing, industrial, infrastructure, commercial, manufacture of building materials);

in-depth insights into all areas of the fuel and energy industry: oil industry (production, refining, export, companies’ news, investment projects in field development, transportation of oil and oil products, petrochemicals), gas industry (production, processing, export, companies’ news, investment projects in field development, transportation, liquefaction and conversion), coal industry (mining, dressing and export, companies’ news, average coal prices), power industry (generation, consumption, average prices, consumer debt, investment projects in generation and power grid segments);

market dynamics and structure, shares of the key players, the number of retail facilities and volume of selling space (based on the sample of Top 190 FMCG retailers in Russia), the dynamics and outlook for the investment activity, development trends and prospects. Ratings of chains by revenue, selling space, formats, prospects for the development of the largest retailers. New DCs, M&A, resignations and appointments;

in-depth insights into all areas of the transport industry: railway (transportation and freight turnover as a whole and types of freight and railcars, speed and reliability of freight delivery, purchasing and writing off rolling stock, rental rates), water (transshipment of cargo in seaports, freight turnover of inland water transport, freight transportation by sea and inland water transport), air (cargo and passenger transportation, freight and passenger turnover), road (freight turnover and freight haulage), ratings of railway operators, airlines, ports, news of the transport industry segments (government regulation, investment projects, key events of companies).

Part IV. Development prospects for the industries: description of scenarios for the development of industries until 2019 and development outlooks for the industries.

      Special offer: You can get a FREE! short version of the research into one of the industries you are interested in, just send your application to: mail@infoline.spb.ru or call us: (812) 322-68-48, (495) 772-7640.

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    База «ТОР-200 крупнейших торговых сетей FMCG России» предоставляется в excel-формате и включает в себя исчерпывающую информацию о каждом участнике рынка: указание компании, бренда, юридического лица, типа сети, специализации, адресов и телефонов. А также данные по менеджменту, операционным и финансовым показателям, развитию online-продаж.

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