"Russia’s transport industry. Development prospects in 2017-2019"
- Release date: 10.07.2017
- Number page: 87
- Lang. report: English
- Price:150000 руб 2043 USD 1717 EUR
N.B.! The research is available in English and Russian.
Relevance of the research “Russia’s transport industry. Development prospects in 2017-2019”. Russia boasts one of the worlds largest transport networks. The state of affairs in Russia’s transport industry is interlinked with macroeconomic factors and the situation in other industries – for example, the production rates in cargo-generating industries dramatically affect the volumes of freight transportation.
The structure of transport and logistics flows has changed – on some routes it’s now more cost-efficient to use road haulage instead of rail, on others – sea transport instead of air carriage. The growing coal exports determine the loading volumes of railway transport in 2017. The rising coal and grain exports in 2017 contribute to better dynamics of dry cargo transshipment in Russian seaports. Liquid cargo transshipment in Russian seaports increased due to the increasing exports of crude oil.
To obtain insights into the transport industry and understand its future development, we have conducted a comprehensive research of the industry embracing all its segments. This product will help you to determine the position of your company in the industry and define future business development.
Purposes of the research:
· insights into the condition and development prospects of Russia’s transport industry as a whole and by modes of transport (rail, water, road, air);
· description of landmark events in Russia’s transport industry by market segments, companies;
· ranking railway companies by traffic volume and fleet size, ranking ports by freight turnover, ranking airlines by cargo and passenger transportation;
· analysis of legislative changes, trends in the government regulation of Russia’s transport industry;
· identification and description of key transport investment projects in Russia.
· scenario outlook for the development of Russia’s transport industry.
Top synergistic effect can be achieved through the combination of the research “Russia’s transport industry. Development prospects in 2017-2019” with other INFOLine studies on transport:
· Regular reviews of the transport industry news as part of Theme-based news:
o Theme-based news: “Russia’s railway transport”
o Theme-based news: “Railroad rolling-stock manufacture in Russia and neighboring countries”
o Theme-based news: “Shipbuilding industry in Russia and neighboring countries”
o Theme-based news “Logistics and warehousing in Russia”
· Periodic reviews
o “Investment projects in the transport infrastructure of Russia”
· Research by sectors:
o “Market of freight rail transport of Russia”
o “Shipbuilding industry of Russia”
· Research of investment projects by sectors:
o “200 under-construction and would-be-built logistics hubs in Russia. Projects in 2017-2020”
The research findings can be used in: marketing and strategic planning, analysis of the transport market, benchmarking and competitor analysis.
Research timeline: industry’s indices since 2011 (the volume of freight and passenger transportation as a whole and by modes of transport, freight and passenger turnover as a whole in the industry and by modes of transport, the dynamics of freight railcar fleets, fee indexation, etc.), development prospects in 2017-2019 (Russia’s macroeconomic indicators, roll-out of individual investment projects, legislative changes).
Research schedule: Q2 2017
Research advantages. In addition to the detailed analysis of the industry, the research features:
· several original ratings compiled by INFOLine’s analysts:
o INFOLine Rail Russia TOP rating by traffic and fleet size;
o rating of ports by cargo turnover;
o rating of airlines by cargo and passenger count;
· description of key investment projects in the transport industry, including the construction of Kerch Strait Bridge, the Northern Latitudinal Railway, the roll-out of United Eurasia project, etc.
Research objectives and structure by sections:
Part I. Key indicators of Russia’s transport industry: the analysis of freight transportation volumes, Russia’s freight and passenger turnover, trends of lending for transport organizations; the dynamics of fee indexation in freight transportation.
Part II. Landmark events of Russia’s transport industry: monitoring of major changes to the laws applicable to the transport industry, government support measures, core investment projects, key resignations and appointments, M&A, international activities.
Part III. State of affairs across Russia’s transport industry sectors: in-depth insights into all areas of the transport industry: railway (transportation and freight turnover as a whole and types of freight and railcars, speed and reliability of freight delivery, purchasing and writing off rolling stock, rental rates), water (transshipment of cargo in seaports, freight turnover of inland water transport, freight transportation by sea and inland water transport), air (cargo and passenger transportation, freight and passenger turnover), road (freight turnover and freight haulage), ratings of railway operators, airlines, ports, news of the transport industry segments (government regulation, investment projects, key events of companies).
Part IV. Development prospects of Russia’s transport industry: development scenarios for the transport industry until 2019 and the outlook for the development of the transport industry in 2017-2019.
Track record and references: INFOLine IA has offered customized research and published independent studies on the transport industry since 2006. The leading industry-specific rating of Russia and 1520 Space countries – INFOLine Rail Russia TOP – has been released annually since 2006, and quarterly since 2007. Since 2006, the company has issued the industry-specific research “Market of freight rail transport of Russia” that provides the most in-depth analysis of the freight rail transport market by types of freight and rolling stock. Our regular customers are: Globaltrans Investments Plc, RTC Group, Railtransholding MC LLC, Transoil LLC, NefteTransService Group, Novotrans Group LLC, Transneftehim JSC, United Wagon Company (RPC UWC), RM Rail, VTB Leasing JSC, Sberbank Leasing JSC, Rosneft Oil Company PJSC, SUEK JSC, OPZhT Association, Goldman Sachs International Ltd, etc.
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· Data of the Federal State Statistics Service, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Federal Customs Service, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the common interdepartmental information and statistical system, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, etc;
· data of the largest transport companies (website materials, press releases);
· materials of more than 5,000 Russian mass media (daily monitoring of the federal and regional press, news agencies, electronic media), as well as the industry press.