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Главная » Готовые исследования » Research "Sandwich Panel Industry in Russia. Results of 2018 and Trends for 2019. Development Prospects up to 2021"
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Research "Sandwich Panel Industry in Russia. Results of 2018 and Trends for 2019. Development Prospects up to 2021"

  • Release date: 08.11.2019
  • Number page: 64
  • Lang. report: English
  • Price:80000 руб   1089 USD   916 EUR

Objective: Сomprehensive analysis of the current state of sandwich panel industry in Russia; formation of forecasts of industry development and overall demand for products in various segments of construction industry.

We recommend: Research "Metal Construction Industry in Russia" - to obtain comprehensive information about the industry of steel construction; Research "Construction Industry of Russia. Results of 2018 and Trends for 2019. Development Prospects up to 2021" and Quarterly Review "Construction Industry of Russia" - for complete information on the construction industry of Russia; industry reviews of investment projects "240 Major Investment Projects in the Russian Transport Infrastructure. Projects 2019-2021", "470 Major Investment Projects in the Russian Industrial Construction. Projects 2019-2023", "170 Major Investment Projects in the Russian Food Industry. Projects 2019-2022", "200 Major Investment Projects for the Construction of Russian Agricultural Complexes. Projects of 2019-2022", "350 Major Investment Projects in the Russian Construction Industry in 2018", "Investment Activity in the Russian Construction Industry. Significant Investment Projects of 2018-2020", "Largest Hypermarkets and Shopping Centers under Construction in Russia. Projects of 2018-2021"; periodic reviews of the construction industry "Investment Projects in the Russian Industrial Construction",  "Investment Projects in the Housing of the Russian Federation", Investment Projects in the Commercial and Administrative construction of the Russian Federation, "Investment Projects in the Transport Infrastructure of the Russian Federation" – for relevant information on the most important projects in the construction industry.

Research use: Benchmarking, analysis of competitors and partners, marketing and strategic planning, searching for customers and partners, preparation for negotiations.

Research time framework: Indicators of the industry since 2011, results of 2018-2019 (dynamics and volumes of construction industry and sandwich panel industry in Russia, operational and financial indicators of the largest companies), forecast up to 2021 (basic factors of the industry, volumes of sandwich panel production and consumption, price dynamics, import/export dynamics).

Research schedule: QIII 2019 (the previous version of Research Sandwich Panel Industry in Russia was published in QIII 2018).

Resources: 250 person/days (around $ 16 thsd).

Research objectives and structure by sections:

Section 1. Sandwich Panel Market Overview: State of the Russian Sandwich Panel Industry; Regional Structure of Sandwich Panel Production Capacities; Capacity Dynamics of the Russian Sandwich Panel Market; Regional Structure of Sandwich Panel Production; Sandwich Panel Production Structure by Insulation; Sandwich Panel Consumption Forecast up to 2021.

Section 2. Main Segments of Sandwich Panel Consumption: Sandwich Panel Consumption Structure by Key Segments; Commercial Real Estate Construction; Construction of Industrial Buildings and Structures; Construction of Agricultural Buildings.

Section 3. Sandwich Panel Import and Export Dynamics: Structure of Sandwich Panel Foreign Trade Turnover and Analysis of Factors that Affected its Change; Import Dynamics and Structure; Export Dynamics and Structure.

Section 4. Dynamics and Structure of Sandwich Panel Prices: dynamics of actual prices for wall and roof sandwich panels, a retrospective since 2011, price forecast up to 2021.

Section 5. Milestones and Investment Activity on the Sandwich Panel Market: Investment Activity on the Sandwich Panel Market; Milestones on the Sandwich Panel Market.

Section 6. Sandwich Panel Manufacturer Rating: Sandwich Panel Manufacturer Rating in terms of Production Volume; Rating of Leading Sandwich Panel Manufacturers by Sales Revenue; Rating of Leading Sandwich Panel Manufacturers by Production Capacity.

References: INFOLine has offered customized research and issued independent studies on the industry of steel construction (metal construction, sandwich panel) since 2007. Our regular customers are more than 100 construction and investment companies, as well as construction materials market players, among which the largest developers and construction companies (IKEA Mos, Adamant Holding, Glavstroy Corporation and LSR Group), leading manufacturers of building materials (Severstal, KNAUF, Eurocement, LAFARGE-HOLCIM, Electroshchit-Stroysistema) and financial companies (Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, VTB.RF).

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Information sources:

  • Research "Construction Industry of Russia. Results of 2018 and Trends for 2019. Development Prospects up to 2021";
  • Data of the Federal State Statistics Service, Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Public Utilities, Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, UN foreign trade database, Presidential Administration portal, data from the Housing and Utilities Reform Support Fund;
  • Materials from more than 5,000 Russian media (federal and regional newspapers, news agencies and electronic media), as well as industry press.

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Detailed content of the Research:

Section 1. Sandwich Panel Market Overview

1.1 State of the Russian Sandwich Panel Industry

1.2 Regional Structure of Sandwich Panel Production Capacities

1.3 Capacity Dynamics of the Russian Sandwich Panel Market

1.4 Regional Structure of Sandwich Panel Production

1.5 Sandwich Panel Production Structure by Insulation

1.6 Sandwich Panel Consumption Forecast up to 2021

Section 2. Main Segments of Sandwich Panel Consumption

2.1 Sandwich Panel Consumption Structure by Key Segments

2.2 Commercial Real Estate Construction

2.2.1 Situation on Shopping Center Market

2.2.2 Situation on the FMCG and DIY Hypermarket Market

2.2.3 Situation on the Warehouse Real Estate market

2.2.4 Investment Activity in the Commercial Real Estate Construction

2.2.5 Sandwich Panel Consumption in the Commercial Real Estate Construction Segment

2.3 Construction of Industrial Buildings and Structures

2.3.1 Overview of the Industrial Facility Construction Market

2.3.2 Investment Activity in the Industrial Construction Segment

2.2.3 Sandwich Panel Consumption in the Industrial Building Construction Segment

2.4 Construction of Agricultural Buildings

2.3.1 Overview of the Agricultural Facility Construction Market

2.4.2 Investment Activity in the Construction of Agricultural Facilities

2.4.3 Sandwich Panel Consumption in the Agricultural Building Construction Segment

Section 3. Sandwich Panel Import and Export Dynamics

3.1 Structure of Sandwich Panel Foreign Trade Turnover and Analysis of Factors that Affected its Change

3.2 Import Dynamics and Structure

3.3 Export Dynamics and Structure

Section 4. Dynamics and Structure of Sandwich Panel Prices

Section 5. Milestones and Investment Activity on the Sandwich Panel Market

5.1. Investment Activity on the Sandwich Panel Market

5.2. Milestones on the Sandwich Panel Market

5.2.1. Mergers, Acquisitions and Redistribution of Production Facilities

5.2.2. Regulatory Events

Section 6. Sandwich Panel Manufacturer Rating

6.1 Sandwich Panel Manufacturer Rating in terms of Production Volume

6.2 Rating of Leading Sandwich Panel Manufacturers by Sales Revenue

6.3 Rating of Leading Sandwich Panel Manufacturers by Production Capacity

List of tables and figures:

Research contains 35 tables and 98 pictures.


  • Table 1. The Number and Capacity of Leading Plants in Federal Districts According to Q3 2019 Results
  • Table 2. Production Capacity Structure of Leading Sandwich Panel Manufacturers by Equipment Suppliers, thousand sq.m
  • Table 3. Description of Leading Sandwich Panel Plants of the Central Federal District
  • Table 4. Description of Leading Sandwich Panel Plants of the Volga Federal District
  • Table 5. Description of Leading Sandwich Panel Plants of the Northwestern Federal District
  • Table 6. Large Sandwich Panel Factories in the Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts
  • Table 7. Description of Leading Sandwich Panel Plants of the Ural Federal District
  • Table 8. Description of Leading Sandwich Panel Plants of the Southern and North Caucasian Federal Districts
  • Table 9. Capacity Dynamics of Sandwich Panel Market in Russia in 2011-2018 and Forecast for 2019 in Physical Terms, mln sq.m
  • Table 10. Capacity Dynamics of Sandwich Panel Market in Russia in 2011-2019 in Monetary Terms, RUB bn (VAT included)
  • Table 11. Scenario Conditions for the Construction Industry Development and the Sandwich Panel Production for 2019-2021
  • Table 12. Weighted Average Sandwich Panel Consumption Factors (Including Precast Panels)
  • Table 13. Largest Shopping Malls (with an area of more than 50 thousand sq.m), opened in 2018-H1 2019
  • Table 14. Weighted Average Sandwich Panel Consumption Factors in Commercial Real Estate Segment (Including Precast Panels)
  • Table 15. Industry Rating according to the Results of Investment Activity according to the results of Q3 2019
  • Table 16. Distribution of Projects by Type in Terms of Investment Ranges (I) according to the Results of Q3 2019, % by column (in quantitative terms)
  • Table 17. Distribution of Investment Projects in Industrial Construction according to the Results of Q3 2019, % by column (in quantitative terms)
  • Table 18. Commissioning of Capacities in Agriculture in Russia in 2011-2018
  • Table 19. TOP-5 Regions by the Number of Investment Projects in the Construction of Agricultural Facilities
  • Table 20. Largest Agribusiness Investor
  • Table 21. Largest Agricultural Projects under Construction in Q3 2019
  • Table 22. Agricultural Investment Plans for Q3 2019
  • Table 23. Factors Affecting the Structure of Sandwich Panel Foreign Trade Turnover
  • Table 24. Structure of Sandwich Panel Import in Russia in Physical Terms in 2011-9 months of 2019, thousand sq.m
  • Table 25. Structure of Sandwich Panel Import in Physical Terms by Russian Federal District in 2011-9 months of 2019, thousand sq.m.
  • Table 26. Structure of Sandwich Panel Export from Russia by Directions in 2011-9 months of 2019, thousand sq.m
  • Table 27. Average Prices for Roofing Sandwich Panels with Mineral Wool Insulation by Contractors, RUB/sq.m, with VAT
  • Table 28. Average Prices for Wall Sandwich Panels with Mineral Wool Insulation by Contractors, RUB/sq.m, with VAT
  • Table 29. Largest Investment Greenfield Projects Implemented in 2017-2019
  • Table 30. Brownfield Investment Projects Implemented in 2017-2019
  • Table 31. Sandwich Panel Production Facilities Restarted in 2017-2019
  • Table 32. TOP-25 Rating of Leading Sandwich Panel Manufacturers in Russia according to the Results of 2018 with Preliminary Results of H1 2019
  • Table 33. TOP-25 Rating of Leading Sandwich Panel Manufacturers in Russia by Sales Revenue According to the Results of 2017-2018
  • Table 34. Description of the Debt Load of the Largest Sandwich Panel Manufacturers in 2017-2018
  • Table 35. Rating of Leading Sandwich Panel Manufacturers in Russia by Production Capacity as of Q3 2019

Graphs and figures

  • Figure 1. Production Capacity Dynamics of Leading Sandwich Panel Production Plants in Russia in 2011-2019, mln sq.m
  • Figure 2. Commissioning Capacity Dynamics for Sandwich Panel Production in Russia by Federal Districts in 2011-2019 (including restart), mln sq.m per year
  • Figure 3. Capacity Dynamics for Sandwich Panel Production in Russia by Federal Districts in 2011-2019 Cumulatively, mln sq.m per year
  • Figure 4. Structure of Sandwich Panel Production Capacities in Russian Regions According to Q3 2019 results,%
  • Figure 5. Structure of Sandwich Panel Production Capacities in Russia by Equipment Manufacturers, %
  • Figure 6. Structure of Sandwich Panel Production Capacity in the Central Federal District, %
  • Figure 7. Structure of Sandwich Panel Production Capacity in the Volga Federal District, %
  • Figure 8. Structure of Sandwich Panel Production Capacity in the Northwestern Federal District, %
  • Figure 9. Structure of Sandwich Panel Production Capacity in the Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts, %
  • Figure 10. Structure of Sandwich Panel Production Capacity in the Ural Federal District, %
  • Figure 11. Structure of Sandwich Panel Production Capacity in the South and North Caucasus Federal Districts, %
  • Figure 12. Capacity Dynamics of Sandwich Panel Market in Russia in 2011-2019, mln sq.m
  •           Figure 13. Sandwich Panel Consumption Structure in Russia in 2011-2019, %
  • Figure 14. Dynamics of Sandwich Panel Consumption in Russia in 2011-2018 and Forecast for 2019, mln sq.m
  • Figure 15. Dynamics of Sandwich Panel Consumption in Russia by Federal Districts in 2011-2018, mln sq.m
  • Figure 16. Structure of Sandwich Panel Consumption in Russia by Federal Districts in 2017, %
  • Figure 17. Structure of Sandwich Panel Consumption in Russia by Federal Districts in 2018, %
  • Figure 18. Structure of Sandwich Panel Production in Russia by Federal Districts in 2017, %
  • Figure 19. Structure of Sandwich Panel Production in Russia by Federal Districts in 2018, %
  • Figure 20. Dynamics of Sandwich Panel Production and Consumption in Russia by Federal Districts in 2018, mln sq.m
  • Figure 21. Dynamics of Sandwich Panel Consumption by TOP-20 Regions in 2017-2018, mln sq.m
  • Figure 22. Structure of Sandwich Panel Production in Russia by Insulation Material in 2017, %
  • Figure 23. Structure of Sandwich Panel Production in Russia by Insulation Material in 2018, %
  • Figure 24. Dynamics of Sandwich Panel Production by Insulation in 2011-2018, mln sq.m     
  • Figure 25. Structure of Sandwich Panel Production in Russia by Insulation in 2011-2018, %
  • Figure 26. Sandwich Panel Consumption in Russia by Main Consumption Segments in 2011-2018 and Forecast up to 2021, mln sq.m
  • Figure 27. Unified Development Cycle Structure in Key Segments of Sandwich Panel Consumption
  • Figure 28. Sandwich Panel Consumption Structure in 2018, %      
  • Figure 29. Sandwich Panel Consumption by Key Segments in 2011-2018 and Forecast up to 2021, mln sq.m
  • Figure 30. Dynamics of the Commercial Building Commissioning in Russia in 2011-H1 2019       
  • Figure 31. Average Area and Volume of Commercial Buildings Commissioned in Russia in 2011-H1 2019
  • Figure 32. Dynamics of the Commercial Building Commissioning in 2011-H1 2019, thousand sq.m       
  • Figure 33. Structure of the Commercial Building Commissioning in 2011-H1 2019, thousand sq.m
  • Figure 34. Dynamics of Input Volumes of the Largest Shopping Centers in Russia in 2011-H1 2019, mln sq.m
  • Figure 35. Quantity Dynamics of FMCG Hypermarkets in Russia in 2011-2019
  • Figure 36. Dynamics of the total FMCG hypermarket supply in Russia in 2011-2019, thousand sq.m
  • Figure 37. Dynamics of FMCG Hypermarket Commissioning in Russia in 2011-H1 2019 by placement at the end of the period (excluding closures), pcs.   
  • Figure 38. Dynamics of Commissioning FMCG Hypermarket Selling Space in Russia in 2011-H1 2019 by placement at the end of the period (excluding closures), thousand sq.m
  • Figure 39. Quantity Dynamics of DIY Hypermarkets in Russia in 2011-2019, pcs
  • Figure 40. Dynamics of Total DIY Hypermarket Supply in Russia in 2011-2019, thousand sq.m
  • Figure 41. Logistic Facilities Commissioned by Region, mln sq.m  
  • Figure 42. Commissioning of Distribution Centers by the Largest Retailers, mln sq.m
  • Figure 43. Dynamics of Commercial Real Estate Commissioning in Russia in 2011-H1 2019
  • Figure 44. Dynamics of Investment in Commercial Real Estate in Russia in 2011-2019
  • Figure 45. Cost Structure of Investments in Commercial Real Estate for 2018,%       
  • Figure 46. Cost Structure of Investments in Commercial Real Estate for the H1 2019, %
  • Figure 47. Structure of Investments in Commercial Real Estate by Regions for 2018,%  
  • Figure 48. Structure of Investments in Commercial Real Estate by Capital Source for 2018,%
  • Figure 49. Unified Structure of the Development Cycle in the Commercial Construction Segments
  • Figure 50. Sandwich Panel Consumption by the Commercial Construction Segment in Russia in 2011-2018 and Forecast up to 2021, mln sq.m
  • Figure 51. Area and Number of Commissioned Industrial Buildings in Russia in 2011-H1 2019
  • Figure 52. Dynamics of Investment in Russian Industry by Sectors in 2011-2018, RUB bn
  • Figure 53. Structure of Investment in Russian Industry by Sectors in 2011-2018, %
  • Figure 54. Dynamics of the Average Investment Project Cost in Russia by Basic Industries in 2008, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2019, USD mln
  • Figure 55. Distribution of Economic Activities by Project Type in 2008, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2019, % (in quantitative terms)
  • Figure 56. Sandwich Panel Consumption by the Industrial Construction Segment in Russia in 2011-2018 and Forecast up to 2021, mln sq.m
  • Figure 57. Area of Commissioned Agricultural Buildings and Premises in Russia in 2011-H1 2019, mln sq.m
  • Figure 58. Financing Structure of the State Agricultural Development Program in 2018, %         
  • Figure 59. Volume of Agricultural Industry Financing under the State Program for the Development of Agriculture up to 2025 (excluding extrabudgetary funds), RUB bn
  • Figure 60. Sandwich Panel Consumption by the Agricultural Construction Segment in Russia in 2011-2018 and Forecast up to 2021, mln sq.m
  • Figure 61. Sandwich Panel Import and Export Dynamics in Russia in 2011-2019, thousand sq.m       
  • Figure 62. Import to Export Ratio in the Overall Sandwich Panel WTO Structure in 2011-2019, %
  • Figure 63. Dynamics of Metal Product Import in Russia in 2011-2019 by types, thousand tons       
  • Figure 64. Structure of Metal Product Import in Russia in 2011-2019 by types, %
  • Figure 65. Dynamics of Sandwich Panel Import and in Russia in 2011-2019, thousand sq.m
  • Figure 66. Dynamics of Sandwich Panel Import and in Russia by Country in 2011-2019, thousand sq.m        
  • Figure 67. Structure of Sandwich Panel Import in Russia by Country in 2011-2019, thousand sq.m
  • Figure 68. Structure of Sandwich Panel Import in Russia in Monetary Terms in 2018, %   
  • Figure 69. Structure of Sandwich Panel Import in Russia in Monetary Terms in 2019, %
  • Figure 70. Dynamics of Sandwich Panel Import in 2011-2019 by Regions of Receipt, thousand sq.m   
  • Figure 71. Structure of Sandwich Panel Import in 2011-2019 by Regions of Receipt, thousand sq.m
  • Figure 72. Dynamics of Sandwich Panel Import in Russia in 2011-2018 and Forecast for 2019-2021, thousand sq.m
  • Figure 73. Dynamics of Metal Product Export in 2011-2019 by types, thousand tons       
  • Figure 74. Structure of Metal Product Export in 2011-2019 by types, %
  • Figure 75. Dynamics of Sandwich Panel Export from Russia in 2011-2019, thousand sq.m
  • Figure 76. Dynamics of the Sandwich Panel Export by Destination Country in 2011-2019, thousand sq.m        
  • Figure 77. Structure of the Sandwich Panel Export from Russia by Destination Country in 2011-2019, thousand sq.m
  • Figure 78. Dynamics of the Russian Sandwich Panel Export in 2010-2018 and Forecast for 2019-2021, thousand sq.m
  • Figure 79. Dynamics of Producer Prices for Sandwich Panels with Mineral Wool Insulation in Russia in 2011-H1 2019, RUB/sq.m with VAT
  • Figure 80. Dynamics of Producer Prices for Roofing Sandwich Panels in Russia in 2011 H1 2019, RUB/sq.m with VAT
  • Figure 81. Dynamics of Producer Prices for Wall Sandwich Panels in Russia in 2011-H1 2019, RUB/sq.m with VAT
  • Figure 82. Approximate Cost Structure for Sandwich Panel Production, %
  • Figure 83. Dynamics of Cold-Rolled Steel Prices in 2011-Q3 2019
  • Figure 84. Comparison of Average Prices for Sandwich Panels with Mineral Wool Insulation by Manufacturing Region for Q3 2019, RUB/sq.m with VAT
  • Figure 85. Comparison of Producer and Average Prices for Sandwich Panels with Mineral Wool Insulation in Russia for Q3 2019, RUB/sq.m with VAT
  • Figure 86. Average Annual Price for Roofing Sandwich Panels in Russia in 2011-2018 and Forecast up to 2021
  • Figure 87. Average Annual Price for Wall Sandwich Panels in Russia in 2011-2018 and Forecast up to 2021
  • Figure 88. Production Capacity Dynamics of Leading Sandwich Panel Plants in Russia in 2011-2019, mln sq.m
  • Figure 89. Commissioning Dynamics of Sandwich Panel Production Capacities in Russia by Equipment Suppliers in 2011-2019, mln sq.m (including restarts of previously stopped production lines)
  • Figure 90. Commissioning Dynamics of Sandwich Panel Production Capacities in Russia by Federal District in 2011-2019 (including restarts), mln sq.m per year        
  • Figure 91. Dynamics of Sandwich Panel Production Capacities in Russia by Federal Districts in 2011-2019 cumulatively, mln sq.m per year
  • Figure 92. Cumulative Share of Sandwich Panel Production Capacity Depending on the Number of Manufacturers
  • Figure 93. Dynamics of Sandwich Panel Production Volume at Largest Plants by Federal Districts in 2016-2018, thousand sq.m
  • Figure 94. Sandwich Panel Production Structure in Russia by Manufacturer in 2017, %      
  • Figure 95. Sandwich Panel Production Structure in Russia by Manufacturer in 2018, %
  • Figure 96. Capacity Utilization at Leading Sandwich Panel Plants by Federal Districts in 2018
  • Figure 97. Comparison of Leading Manufacturers in 2017 (marker sizes are proportional to the production volume in 2017)
  • Figure 98. Comparison of Leading Manufacturers in 2018 (marker sizes are proportional to the production volume in 2018)

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